Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Portions of Public Parks

Lindsay Sauerlender
Harminder Dhaliwal
Adrian Servetnick
Our group went to two locations in Downtown Seattle on January 17th during mid afternoon. The first was Westlake Park, which was not as busy as we had expected, but there was an interesting dynamic among the different types of people. In Photo 1, you can see the large group of, if not homeless, then malcontents gathered in the corner of the square by the bus stop. Other than this group, the only other people sharing the square were the three police officers patrolling the park (Photo 2). Also in this photo you can see a large arch and stage, which was constructed as a means to facilitate entertainment to the public. It is interesting that, despite the openness of the square, any and all people in the area are grouped to the corners and sides. The art (blue trees), lights, and benches in Photo 3 demonstrate the effort made to appeal to public enjoyment of the park. These benches also serve as a resting place for shoppers in the area. The second location we visited was Victor Steinbrueck Park. In these photos you can see how the park was designed with a seating area to showcase the views of the water (as well as the recent addition of the Great Wheel). The canopy here provides a necessary shelter for people to share in the frequent Seattle rain (Photo 4).  Photos 5 and 6 were taken a bit farther away from the water, but they demonstrate the appeal to tourists with the cement benches that, in addition to providing seating (Photo 5), are also used for community business when they are filled with the wares of vendors (Photo 6).

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